Jesus Deliverance Ministry Global Ministry that is built upon the Word of God and our personal faith in Jesus Christ our lord. She has several campuses in Africa, USA, Canada and Europe attracting Africans in diaspora. Jdm hold to the great foundation truths of the historic Christian faith; held in common by like-minded evangelical church with whom we share both fellowship, worship and the mission statement. Jdm believe that there is one God, Creator, heavenly and earth, existing in three persons in one God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. JDM believes that the Bible is the verbally inspired word of God, transcribed within its content in the original manuscripts.; of scripture and is infallible, and unchangeable; our authority for faith, believe and practice. Jdm believe in the trinity of our Lord Jesus Christ, the virgin birth, sinless life, miracles, in His substitutionary sacrifice upon the cross, bodily resurrection, victory over sin , victory over Satan,. Jdm believe that Christ exalt at God right hand, and return, in power land great glory. Jdm believe in the fall and the sinful cultural of humanity, and man can be saved by the holy spirit for his/ her salvation. Jdm believe that salvation include of the gift of eternal life, forgiveness of sins, grace through faith, Christ’s righteousness, and love of thy neighbour. Jdm believe in the ministry of the Holy Spirit that is at work in life of a Christian. It is the holy that enable Christian to live a godly life, and the Church, has Body of Christ, is gifted and equipped to help believers develop personal relationship with God for the glory of God. Jdm believe in the end- time resurrection of all humanities and those who have trust and believe in Christ, will be saved. They will receive everlasting life in heaven and they we not received punishment, and they we not be separated from the presence of God, they be in union with God for eternity. Jdm believe in the great commission which Christ has command his church to preach the gospel to all people, nation, to the end of the earth and all Christian are called to the holy mandate.

Women's Fellowship

Virtual Women Mission Fellowship (100% ONLINE)

Our Ladies of Christian Help Global Network offers a practical program that offers Master of Divinity Students / women who have a calling in ministry an opportunity to preach and serve within a global Church. Here in OLCH, women in ministry from different denominations will have a place to use their giftedness in expanding the kingdom of God through teaching, preaching, evangelism, and involvement in Christian charitable causes.

The colloquy gives fellows a chance to consider the meaning of practical theological education, reflect on their personal experiences in the mission field, develop contemporary and apostolic ministerial spiritual formation habits, and presents an opportunity for current research students to expand on their theological knowledge by engaging in a safe environment where they can discuss Christian apologetics, the doctrine of faith principles in the spirit of ecumenism.

Upon completion of the program, fellows serve as preaching Apprentices in a global ministry context, practicing ministry locally and internationally in settings that feature a multi-disciplinary reflection on practices. Fellows as preaching Apprentices will work with spiritual mentors who as partners will walk with them in planning, planting, and leading a local church within the fellowship network. For more details contact program director Rev. Dr. Ilobah by sending your questions and inquiries to her personal email: Ilobahe4@gmail.com


Rev. Dr. Ilobah


JDM festival 2022